About Us

We offer compassionate civil legal representation.

Our work at JAMLAC is urgent — we walk alongside our neighbors as they face life-altering legal challenges and strengthen their ability to thrive, not just survive.

Our Mission

We derive our name, Justice and Mercy, and our mission from the scriptural verse Micah 6:8, “what does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” We live out this call in our work at JAMLAC by seeking justice for people struggling with poverty and oppression. We do this in a way that affirms the client’s dignity and strengthens their capacity to positively direct their own lives.

Our Vision and Values

By providing culturally sensitive civil legal services and defending the cause of the poor and needy, JAMLAC’s Vision is to enhance the quality of lives and create healthy communities where all people have access to justice, live free from abuse, are empowered, and thrive in the community.

You can read more about JAMLAC’s core values and our motivation to care for the poor here.

Our History

Co-founders Steve Thompson and Sulma Mendoza opened JAMLAC’s doors in 2006 in response to a deep desire to fight injustice that those struggling with poverty face. JAMLAC began in a converted motel room at Joshua Station and served 96 clients the first year. Now, in a much bigger space, we have 24 staff members and help 3,000 – 3,500 people annually.

Our Partners

Collaboration is integral to the success of JAMLAC and the people we serve.

Our Team

– Executive Director please reach out to sthompson@jamlac.org

– Development (Grants, Donors, Foundations, Businesses, and Church Relations): please reach out to nkoster@jamlac.org

– Communications (Interviews, Press-releases, Community Outreach, Publications and Content, and Media Relations) mbedoya@jamlac.org

– For more information about our organization, Staff/Board and Departments, please reach out to jescobar@jamlac.org 

Volunteer and Pro Bono Opportunities: please reach out to tfinleypadilla@jamlac.org

For those seeking services, please visit our services page to determine if you qualify for services and contact jamlac@jamlac.org or call 303-839-1008

Our Team

Our team of attorneys, paralegals and administrators are committed to bridging the gap between our clients and the justice they seek.

Annual Reports