We are thrilled to share JAMLAC’s accomplishments and impact in this report with you, as you contributed to this success. This good work gives clients the opportunity to rebuild their lives and change the course of their futures.
This year was an exciting year for all of us. Being our first year operating as an independent 501 (c)(3) organization. We feel strong, robust, and healthy as an organization going into the next year!
While we had successes, we were also challenged in many ways. More people than we have the capacity to serve need legal help. However, in the aftermath of the pandemic, the need has only increased.
Despite the challenges, with your partnership, our magnificent staff walked alongside hundreds of brave clients, and we were blessed to be able to live out our MICAH 6:8 call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.”
Looking forward, we hope you will continue to join our vision to strategically grow and overcome injustice in our community.
As always we are honored, grateful, and proud to work with you to bring even more SHALOM (peace), hope, and empowerment to families in a way that affirms their dignity and strengthens their capacity to positively direct their own lives.
Peace of Christ,

Steve Thompson,
Lead Servant