Montbello Library – 12955 Albrook Dr, Denver, CO 80239
Jueves Febrero, 16, 2023 de 1-3pm.
– Presentación – Conoce tus Derechos
– Orientaciones grupales e individuales
– Materiales legales de autoayuda
– Referencias a otros recursos
El taller será seguido por preguntas y respuestas proporcionadas por abogados voluntarios
Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center
Transforming Lives
Join the Pro Bono Program
The JAMLAC Pro Bono Program furthers the JAMLAC mission of seeking justice for people who struggle with poverty and oppression by providing free, quality civil legal services to the underserved members of our community.
Get started in transforming lives. Send in the form and we will get back to you to answer any questions you may have.
For more information email cgravit@jamlac.org