They left everything behind except their faith.

Walking inside the Refuge Center has become a challenge. Every 3 feet, people lie and sit with only a pillow and a blanket. Many are confused about their legal situation, while others are hungry or cold. Others are trying to figure out how to get to another city or hoping to change their shoes that were destroyed in the snow. Each of them has a different story – incredible and challenging.
“I was a Lieutenant in Venezuela and was treated as a traitor when I refused to harm innocent people. I signed up to defend my people and my country, not to destroy them. The government began to harass, threaten, and persecute my family and me. Because of this, I decided to take my three-year-old daughter and wife on the tough journey toward freedom. We left everything we had behind except our faith.
Throughout this journey, we went through a lot. As we crossed the border, our daughter couldn’t stop shivering due to the very low temperatures that night, risking hypothermia, and I could hardly feel my legs. However, our faith kept us going and brought us here safe and sound. I know Jesus was always with us through this difficult passage, especially during that cold night at the border on Christmas eve. Fortunately for us, and with the help of many generous people, we traveled to Denver, where we are starting to piece our lives together little by little. Yes, this has been very hard, but worth it so far.”