Monday, September 19
Noon to 1:15 pm
1 General CLE Credit

2022 Victim Rights Act (VRA) Update
Join us for this free CLE to learn about the bipartisan Senate Bill 22-049, which updated The Victim Rights Act (VRA) in Colorado, that ensures that crime victims are treated with fairness, respect, and dignity and are free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse.

Kim Branham
Victim Rights Act Specialist, Office of Victims Programs, with the CO Division of Criminal Justice.
Overviewing the 2022 updates and how they affect the Colorado judicial system.
Kimberly Branham has worked in the victim services field for over 20 years. Since 2017, Kim has maintained the position as the Victim Rights Act Specialist with the Division of Criminal Justice Office, where she coordinates the state’s Victim Rights Act compliance program and is a statewide trainer to law enforcement, district attorney staff, victim advocates, and others in the criminal justice system who work with victims. Prior to her current position, she was a Victim Services Officer with Probation where she assisted victims in completing Victim Impact Statements and worked directly with Probation staff to help deliver appropriate notification and referrals to victims when the offender is sentenced to probation.
In addition, she has provided training in the Victim Rights Act, Basics of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, The Impacts of Crime, Victimology, and Victim Empathy for Offenders. She is a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado at Greeley with a degree in Sociology with an emphasis on Social Issues and a minor in Legal Studies.

Gov. Jared S. Polis
Colorado Governor

Sulma Mendoza
JAMLAC’s Co-Founder and Immigration Attorney

Kerry Tipper
CO House of Representatives and
Senate Bill 22-049 Sponsor
District 28

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