“I cannot express the happiness I felt when I saw my 6-year-old client start coloring and going through the pages. The book really calmed her down” – Sulma Mendoza, Immigration Director and Attorney.

Adam wakes up feeling excited because today he doesn’t have to go to school. Instead, he gets to spend the day with the person who loves him and offers him protection, his aunt. As they drive through downtown Denver, he stares at the busy streets and tall buildings. They arrive at one of the buildings, and he sees Sulma, a woman he knows only as his lawyer. He doesn’t fully understand what a lawyer is or why they are at this building (but he does love the elevator ride). Sulma explains that he will have to put headphones on so he can hear the interpreter talking and answer some questions. He is suddenly filled with anxiety and asks, “Are you going up there with me?” Both his attorney and his aunt comfort him with a strong, “Yes, of course!” Adam is only six years old, fighting a case against deportation, and is attending a hearing in front of a federal judge.
For stories like this one, JAMLAC’s Immigration Director and Attorney, Sulma Mendoza, and a dedicated team created “Mi Día en la Corte” (My Day at the Court”. A coloring book that will prepare kids like Adam to understand the courtroom and reduce anxiety.
We’ve been using it and it is working!
Sulma Mendoza Rios, Esq. JAMLAC Co-Founder and Immigration Director.
Penny Salazar-Phillips, LCSW Director of the Life Program
Breanna Hayes, Student, Advocate, and former JAMLAC Staff
Pat Long, B.A M.A., Teacher, Writer, Avid supporter of JAMLAC and MHM
Leann Fenton, Illustrator www.Leannfenton.com
Thanks, and blessings to our translators.
Breanna, Lilian, Perla y Marta, Ruth and Manuela.
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